Change the score for whitelisted emails

Michael Araujo michaelaraujo at
Thu Oct 1 14:33:51 UTC 2020


I have a Mailwatch with Mailscanner that filters my Zimbra's spam. However I recently updated my Zimbra and other things in Mailwatch with Mailscanner and the emails that are in the white list are going to the Zimbra spam box. 

I checked the header and realized that when I leave the mailwatch, it has a score of 0, however Zimbra performs another check and scores again and marks it as spam. 

I don't want to disable amavis from my Zimbra because my Mailwatch and Mailscanner is not 100%, so I would like to put a very low score for emails that are in the white list, so that when it arrives in Zimbra it will pass even if it scores . 

I searched the internet and unfortunately I couldn't find anything that can help me with changing the white list punctuation. 
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