HTML disarming died, status = 13

Ferry van Aesch ferry at
Tue Jun 16 18:24:03 UTC 2020

Hi Shawn,

Thanks for getting back to me so quickly. Please see the sanitised email attached. (I assume attaching works with the mailing list?)
It’s not happening with every message indeed; but it’s a reasonable amount of the emails it processes. I just ran the original message (cat message|sendmail -t) and it was delivered without a problem.


From: MailScanner < at> on behalf of Shawn Iverson via MailScanner <mailscanner at>
Reply to: MailScanner Discussion <mailscanner at>
Date: Tuesday 16 June 2020 at 18:39
To: "mailscanner at" <mailscanner at>
Cc: Shawn Iverson <shawniverson at>
Subject: Re: HTML disarming died, status = 13

This message is by design, as long as you are not caught in a loop and it is not happening with every message.  There's something in the HTML that killed the child spawned to perform the disarming.  Depending on the scenario, a sample of the email (sanitized) might be helpful to isolate what is going on here and improve the HTML Disarming code.

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