Incoming mail stuck in Hold directory

Budi F bfebrian at
Sat Aug 1 04:18:11 UTC 2020


I'm trying to install mailscanner in centos 7 with postfix

It's working fine, but at least in every 3,4 hours all the email stuck in
incoming directory,

Restarting the mailscanner will solved the problem, all emails in hold
directory fill be delivered, but then this will happen again

Temporary, with cron, I restart the mailscanner service in every 2 hours

My configuration:
Centos 7
MailWatch Version: 1.2.15

drwxrwx---. 2 postfix mtagroup    6 Aug  1 11:02 hold

And the files under hold directory are own by postfix.postfix

Member of mtagroup
postfix mail clamscan apache

Why is sometime the emails stuck in the hold directory, and what are the

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