Message attempted to kill MailScanner
Marek Górny
marek.gorny at
Fri Apr 17 14:32:40 UTC 2020
I updated MailScanner from 5.2.2 to 5.3.1 on OpenSUSE 15.2 (ClamAV 0.100.3 and F-Secure)
I noticed some messages like this (I know there was similar case on 5.1.3)
Can you help me how to investigate this:
Our virus detector failed to completely analyse a message you sent:-
Any parts of the message that could not be analysed will not have been delivered.
If you are using Microsoft Outlook, we strongly recommend you change your outgoing message format from "Rich Text" to "HTML" or "Plain Text".
1) Click on the "Tools" menu and choose "Options..."
2) Go to the "Mail Format" tab
3) For message format, select "HTML" or "Plain text"
4) Click OK
The virus detector said this about the message:
Report: Report: MailScanner: Message attempted to kill MailScanner
My config doesn't complain:
# MailScanner --lint
Trying to setlogsock(unix)
Reading configuration file /etc/MailScanner/MailScanner.conf
Reading configuration file /etc/MailScanner/conf.d/README
Read 1503 hostnames from the phishing whitelist
Read 7061 hostnames from the phishing blacklists
Config: calling custom init function MailWatchLogging
MailWatch: Started MailWatch SQL Logging child
Checking version numbers...
Version number in MailScanner.conf (5.3.1) is correct.
Your envelope_sender_header in spamassassin.conf is correct.
MailScanner setting GID to (51)
MailScanner setting UID to (51)
Checking for SpamAssassin errors (if you use it)...
Using SpamAssassin results cache
Connected to SpamAssassin cache database
SpamAssassin reported no errors.
Connected to Processing Attempts Database
Created Processing Attempts Database successfully
There are 0 messages in the Processing Attempts Database
Using locktype = posix
MailScanner.conf says "Virus Scanners = f-secure clamd"
Found these virus scanners installed: f-secure, clamd
Virus and Content Scanning: Starting
Virus Scanning: F-Secure found virus EICAR_Test_File
./1/ Infected: EICAR_Test_File [FSE]
Virus Scanning: F-Secure found virus Malware.Eicar-Test-Signature
./1/ Infected: Malware.Eicar-Test-Signature [Aquarius]
Virus Scanning: F-Secure found 1 infections
Clamd::ERROR:: Can't open file or directory ERROR :: ./1/
Clamd::INFECTED::Win.Test.EICAR_HDB-1 :: ./1/
Virus Scanning: Clamd found 2 infections
Infected message 1 came from
Virus Scanning: Found 3 viruses
Best Regards
Marek Górny
[BO_Lokalizacja] [RODO] <> [Teraz_Polska] <>
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