mailscanner as smtpd-proxy

Support-MMarzouki support at
Sat Apr 4 18:26:50 UTC 2020


Is there an approximate release date for this function in mailscanner?


Am 4. April 2020 19:22:33 MESZ schrieb Mark Sapiro <mark at>:
>On 4/4/20 9:55 AM, support at wrote:
>> hi,
>> it is possible to use mailscanner as smtpd-proxy in postfix like
>> currently the state is, that postfix accept a mail with SMTP-Code 250
>and hold the mail in his queue.
>> i have the whish, to scan and reject with the SMTP-Code 5XX if a mail
>is a spam or have malware content before postfix confirm the message
>with 250.
>This is currently a work in progress in MailScanner, but we aren't
>yet. Recent MailScanner can be configured with Postfix as an smtpd
>milter, but in almost all cases, the milter 'discards' the message and
>passes it to MailScanner which processes it and if accepted, resubmits
>it to Postfix.
>The milter could actually invoke the MailScanner process on the message
>but doesn't in order to avoid a potentially log running process.
>Mark Sapiro <mark at>        The highway is for gamblers,
>San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan
>MailScanner mailing list
>mailscanner at

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