Julian Field

Martin Hepworth maxsec at gmail.com
Mon Sep 23 07:56:07 UTC 2019

For those who've been around the Mailscanner project a while, you'll know
Jules as the originator of MailScanner.

He's been in hospital for the past couple of weeks and I was able to visit
him yesterday afternoon.

Basically he's got "non-alcohol-related liver scarring from all its
previous stress over 30 years of medical stuff". Again many of the longer
timers here will know of Jule's struggles with his health.

If anyone feels they'd like to send a card of encouragement, please send to
his work address and folks will take them down to hospital or home
depending where he is.

Jules Field
Electronics and Computer Science <https://www.ecs.soton.ac.uk/>
University of Southampton
SO17 1BJ
United Kingdom

Martin Hepworth, CISSP
Oxford, UK
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