Clamd - Permission denied (SOLVED).

Carles Xavier Munyoz Baldó carles at
Tue Mar 6 22:36:18 UTC 2018

I have just installed MailScanner into a new Ubuntu 16.04.4 LTS server
and updated it to the latests packages.
Making tests over the new server I have seen that ClamAV is not
operating fine due to permission problems:
MailScanner[15458]: Virus and Content Scanning: Starting
MailScanner[15458]: Clamd::ERROR:: UNKNOWN CLAMD RETURN ./lstat()
failed: Permission denied. ERROR :: /var/spool/MailScanner/incoming/15458
MailScanner[15458]: Virus Scanning: Clamd found 1 infections
MailScanner[15458]: Virus Scanning: Found 1 viruses

I have solved the problem modifying the configuration parameter
AllowSupplementaryGroups from false to true in the file:

Please, MailScanner developers, take this into account in the installer
for Ubuntu for the next release.

Thank you very much.
Best regards.

Carles Xavier Munyoz Baldó
Departamento de I+D+I
Tel./Fax: 966 446 046
cmunyoz at

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