ms_cron_ps_restart argument missing in ms-cron script

Eoin Kim Eoin.Kim at
Mon Jul 9 04:35:11 UTC 2018

Ah.... I think I found it.

It is read by another script - /usr/sbin/ms-update-phishing. Sorry guys.


From: Eoin Kim
Sent: Monday, 9 July 2018 2:29 PM
To: mailscanner at
Subject: ms_cron_ps_restart argument missing in ms-cron script

Hi all,

I am currently doing a configuration work for MailScanner on my staging environment (Debian Stretch) and found something which you guys need to have a look.

In /etc/MailScanner/defaults file, the last variable has the following explanation:
# Restart MailScanner after Update Safe/Bad Phishing sites
# Restart MailScanner after update of the Safe/Bad Phishing sites files.
# This is disabled by default.
# This is executed during the DAILY cron option.  0 = off, 1 = on


By tracing the cron job file, I found a script file /usr/sbin/ms-cron. Under if [ $ACTION = DAILY ]; then section, I cannot find this variable. Could you please have a look at the content of this file? Thanks a lot.

Eoin Kim
Systems Administrator

RCS Telecommunications
Level 1 - The Annexe, 133 Mary Street
Brisbane, QLD, 4000, Australia
Office: 07 3228 0843
Mobile: 0419 726 231
Email: at< at>

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