[Question] Remove These Headers and Outlook conversation view

Eoin Kim Eoin.Kim at rcst.com.au
Thu Feb 15 23:38:14 UTC 2018

Thanks very much. 

So, I guess it's time to get my feet dirty. Cheers.


-----Original Message-----
From: MailScanner [mailto:mailscanner-bounces+eoin.kim=rcst.com.au at lists.mailscanner.info] On Behalf Of William D. Colburn
Sent: Friday, 16 February 2018 9:34 AM
To: MailScanner Discussion <mailscanner at lists.mailscanner.info>
Subject: Re: [Question] Remove These Headers and Outlook conversation view

On Thu, Feb 15, 2018 at 11:21:35PM +0000, Eoin Kim wrote:
>So, if I want to release the message as original <define('QUARANTINE_USE_SENDMAIL', true);> in MailWatch, where do I have to input that one liner? Also, what does that one liner do actually? I am not 100% confident with REGEX, sorry.

That I don't know, I've never used MailWatch.  We have a wrapper script
of our own that does quarantine releases for us.  Assuming you are
willing to get your feet a little dirty, it is easy to fix the message

The sed command itself (sed, not ed, I think I mis-cut-and-paste it earlier)
transforms the message id by taking the part before the @ sign and
appending - and the pid of the wrapper script to it before reassembling the
message id.

So the results look like this:

H??Message-ID: <example at gmail.com>
H??Message-ID: <example-32011 at gmail.com>

But again, we use our own special wrapper script to the release.  Not MailWatch.


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