Scrambled content from Kaspersky report

Jerry Benton jerry.benton at
Fri Sep 8 11:51:47 UTC 2017

Danger Content Scanning is probably disarming JSON. 




Jerry Benton

+1   (843) 800-8605

+44 (020) 3883-8605


From: MailScanner
[ at
fo] On Behalf Of Pramod Daya
Sent: Friday, September 8, 2017 4:55 AM
To: mailscanner at
Subject: Scrambled content from Kaspersky report 


I'm seeing what I presume is MailScanner (Ver 5.0.3)  changing the content
of a Kaspersky report.. I don't know is causing this . any thoughts welcome,


function GetNode() { return external.SnapinScopeObject(); } var node;
function OnLoad() { try { node = GetNode(); cmd1.innerText =
node.GetCounter("cmd1"); cmd2.innerText = node.GetCounter("cmd2");
cmd3.innerText = node.GetCounter("cmd3"); cmd4.innerText =
node.GetCounter("cmd4"); } catch(err) {} try {
EventsRetranslator.ConnectTo(GetNode()) } catch(err) {} } function Print() {
document.execCommand('Print') } function Sort(isSummary, columnName,
curOrder) { var order = "a"; if (curOrder > 0) order = "d";
node.ExecuteCommand2(isSummary?"SortSum":"SortDet", columnName, order); }
function F(sFieldName, sValue, hosts, srvinst, srvname) { if (srvinst == "")
node.ExecuteCommand2((hosts == "1")?"InteractiveQuery":"InteractiveFilter",
sFieldName, sValue); else node.ExecuteCommand4((hosts ==
"1")?"InteractiveQuery":"InteractiveFilter", sFieldName, sValue, srvinst,
srvname); } var g_bShowMaster = true; function ToggleMaster() {
g_bShowMaster = !g_bShowMaster; if (g_bShowMaster)
document.getElementById("Master").style.display = "inline"; else
document.getElementById("Master").style.display = "none"; } var
g_bShowSlaves = true; function ToggleSlaves() { g_bShowSlaves =
!g_bShowSlaves; if (g_bShowSlaves)
document.getElementById("Slaves").style.display = "inline"; else
document.getElementById("Slaves").style.display = "none"; } var
g_bShowDetails = false; function ToggleDetails() { g_bShowDetails =
!g_bShowDetails; if (g_bShowDetails)
document.getElementById("Details").style.display = "inline"; else
document.getElementById("Details").style.display = "none"; } function
ToggleSlaveDetails(table) { if (document.getElementById(table).style.display
== "inline") document.getElementById(table).style.display = "none"; else
document.getElementById(table).style.display = "inline"; } function
OnNavigate(page) { window.navigate(page); } function OnUnload() { try {
EventsRetranslator.DisconnectFrom(GetNode()); } catch(err){} } window.onload
= OnLoad; window.onunload = OnUnload; 

Kaspersky Security Center 10




Protection status report

Friday, 08 September 2017 8:00:00 AM

This report contains information about the security application status on
devices for all groups 







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