Make Spamassassin learn spam mails

Eoin Kim Eoin.Kim at
Tue May 2 10:31:30 UTC 2017

Oh, good to know. Thanks mate, really appreciate it. So, I believe you are talking about setting Non Spam Actions? If I set it to store and deliver, does it automatically deliver the clean emails to receivers and store them for setting SA learning? What if I delete the message files on the system after delivery? Does the SA still keep what it learnt? Storing the clean messages might occupy the disk quite quickly though I guess. Thanks again.

Eoin Kim
Systems Administrator

RCS Telecommunications
Level 1 - The Annexe
133 Mary Street
Brisbane, QLD, 4000
Office:   07 3228 0843
Mobile: 0419 726 231

From: MailScanner < at> on behalf of David While <dwhile at>
Sent: Tuesday, 2 May 2017 6:48 PM
To: MailScanner Discussion
Subject: Re: Make Spamassassin learn spam mails

I do it using Mailwatch. To do this you have to configure MailScanner to store all mail including the non-spam messages. Then the clean spam can be learned using mailwatch.


On 02/05/2017 03:13, Eoin Kim wrote:

Hello all,

This might sound like a stupid question but I am having trouble with making SA learn spam emails. I have MailScanner and MailWatch running in my work. Recently, we have received some spams. Few of them were actually just delivered to receivers as a clean email. I wanted to make SA learn these clean emails as a spam but it looks like I can't do that. The ones I can do are the emails already regarded as spam. They already have {Spam?} prefix in the subject and its status already shows spam in MailWatch. Are there any ways I can achieve this? Thanks in advance.

Eoin Kim

Systems Administrator

RCS Telecommunications

Level 1 - The Annexe

133 Mary Street

Brisbane, QLD, 4000

Office:   07 3228 0843

Mobile: 0419 726 231

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