Ruleset syntax

Mark Sapiro mark at
Wed Feb 1 01:22:36 UTC 2017

On 01/31/2017 02:37 AM, Marcelo Machado wrote:
> It seems MailScanner is not reading the ruleset file from these parameters.
> I did the test below and did not blocked the attachment
> Deny Filenames =%rules.dir%/deny.filenames.rules (MailScanenr.conf)
> From:    *      \.jpg$ (deny.filenames.rules)

It's also not working for me in a test environment, even with a pattern
like .*$ which should match anything. It works with patterns set as the
Deny Filenames value, e.g.

Deny Filenames = \.jpg$

but of course that's not what you want. I don't know why it isn't
working with rule sets. I'm investigating.

Mark Sapiro <mark at>        The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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