postfix and mailscanner

Jerry Benton jerry.benton at
Wed Dec 13 22:36:54 UTC 2017

Because MailScanner does not use a proper milter for Postfix. Instead, it
gets the email from a hold directory and drops it back in the Postfix queue.

This is how it is supposed to work:

Postfix > milter > hold > scan > injection to Postfix > delivery

This is how it actually works:

Postfix > hold > scan > drop into Postfix

Technically, this is incorrect. 

Jerry Benton
+1   (843) 800-8605
+44 (020) 3883-8605

-----Original Message-----
From: MailScanner
[ at
fo] On Behalf Of Maarten
Sent: Wednesday, December 13, 2017 17:34
To: MailScanner Discussion <mailscanner at>
Subject: postfix and mailscanner

Don't want to start a flame war here, but just a question, why does advise against using mailscanner? Saw the following on the
postfix website:

mailscanner: system, works with Postfix and other MTAs. WARNING: This
software uses unsupported methods to manipulate Postfix queue files
directly. This will result in corruption or loss of mail. The mailscanner
authors have sofar refused to discuss a proper access API or protocol.

When reading through mailinglists it seems that some mails can get lost as
in how mailscanner handles mail from the postfix mailqueue, and that it's
safer to use one of the virus/spam/content filters that that uses the SMTP
proxy interface or the Milter Interface. I wouldn't know if this is true or
how to know if any mails every got lost(is there a way to know of having
lost mails), but have there ever been talks between postfix devs and
mailscanner devs about this?

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