Recommended Platform

Marek Górny marek.gorny at
Mon Aug 7 06:44:55 UTC 2017

Currently, I'm using OpenSUSE 13.2 + MailScanner 4.85.2 + MTA Postfix as production server.
But now testing OpenSUSE Leap 42.3 + MailScanner 5.0.6-2 (build from source) also with Postix.
In both cases everything works fine, despite many changes between configurations (file systems, using RAMDISK, systemd)


Marek Górny
IT Specialist

From: MailScanner [ at] On Behalf Of Jerry Benton
Sent: Sunday, August 6, 2017 9:29 PM
To: 'MailScanner Discussion' <mailscanner at>
Subject: RE: Recommended Platform

In my opinion Postfix is the simplest to implement and manage.

Jerry Benton<>
+1   (843) 800-8605
+44 (020) 3883-8605

From: MailScanner [ at] On Behalf Of Jorge A Arenas Quezada
Sent: Sunday, August 6, 2017 3:25 PM
To: 'MailScanner Discussion' <mailscanner at<mailto:mailscanner at>>
Subject: RE: Recommended Platform

Thank you Ben … understood

About the MTA, I read some problems and some advantages with one or other

What would be your recommendation, if is a new implementation and maybe Centos 7?

Thanks in advance

Jorge A. Arenas Quezada
CSA Consultores
Av. Ayuntamiento 410A
Col El Encino, CP 20240
Aguascalientes, Ags. Mexico
Tel (449) 9783038  Extension 231
Cel (449) 4962807
Skype for Business: jorge.arenas at<mailto:jorge.arenas at>
Skype: jorgeaaq at<mailto:jorgeaaq at>

From: MailScanner [ at] On Behalf Of Jerry Benton
Sent: domingo, 6 de agosto de 2017 12:17 p. m.
To: 'MailScanner Discussion' <mailscanner at<mailto:mailscanner at>>
Subject: RE: Recommended Platform

Any platform is fine as long as it is server grade. Things like Centos, Debian, Ubuntu LTS are fine. OS’s like Fedora are not good.

Jerry Benton<>
+1   (843) 800-8605
+44 (020) 3883-8605

From: MailScanner [ at] On Behalf Of Jorge A Arenas Quezada
Sent: Sunday, August 6, 2017 1:14 PM
To: 'MailScanner Discussion' <mailscanner at<mailto:mailscanner at>>
Subject: Recommended Platform

Hi all

I know is difficult and everyone have an opinion maybe different but

According to development, stability and management

What would be the Linux platform ( or platforms ) recommended for run MailScanner

In this moment I have Centos with Sendmail for some time and is working

Right now it is time to implement a new server and I am looking to validate if continue with the same platform or change to a  better combination of OS and MTA in terms of development or stability

I have no problem to learn and contribute with another platform

Any comments would be appreciated

Jorge A. Arenas Quezada
CSA Consultores
Av. Ayuntamiento 410A
Col El Encino, CP 20240
Aguascalientes, Ags. Mexico
Tel (449) 9783038  Extension 231
Cel (449) 4962807
Skype for Business: jorge.arenas at<mailto:jorge.arenas at>
Skype: jorgeaaq at<mailto:jorgeaaq at>


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