How Spam List mapping is done to spam.lists.conf file

Mark Sapiro mark at
Fri Apr 7 18:54:40 UTC 2017

On 04/07/2017 02:47 AM, Urgen Sherpa wrote:
> Greetings !!
> Mailscanner version: MailScanner-5.0.3-7  Ubuntu 14.04.5
> # cat   /etc/MailScanner/spam.lists.conf
> # cat /etc/MailScanner.conf
> ...
> Spam List Definitions = %etc-dir%/spam.lists.conf
> Spam Checks = yes
> Spam Domain List =
> Spam List =  SBL+XBL
> How is spam list mapped to the spam.lists.conf file, i cant find any key ?
> for example how is SBL+XBL or spamhaus-ZEN  mapped to ? the SBL+XBL or
> spamhaus-ZEN is nowhere in spam.lists.conf  file too

The spam.lists.conf file was updated a long time ago, but the comment in

Spam List = # spamhaus-ZEN # You can un-comment this to enable them

was never changed. You can see the old contents of spam.lists.conf at

Spam List is for lists based on IP and Spam Domain List is for lists
based on domain name, but the names put in those settings must all be
defined in the Spam List Definitions file.

Mark Sapiro <mark at>        The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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