Clamd::ERROR:: after TNEF expansion.

[SOLTECSIS] Carles Xavier Munyoz Baldó carles at
Wed Oct 19 10:47:10 UTC 2016

I have seen in my server logs that sometimes appear "Access denied"
errors from Clamd. These errors allways appears after a TNEF archive
expansion and these errors are always interpreted by MailScanner as if
the escaned files were infected.

Here you may see the logs of an example:
MailScanner[10778]: Expanding TNEF archive at

MailScanner[10778]: Clamd::ERROR:: SKMBT_C224e16101910041.pdf/Access
denied. ERROR :: ./u9J9iHsT003610/tnefxxJw9_

MailScanner[10778]: Clamd::ERROR:: image001.png/Access denied. ERROR ::

MailScanner[10778]: Clamd::ERROR:: image002.png/Access denied. ERROR ::

MailScanner[10778]: Clamd::ERROR:: image004.png/Access denied. ERROR ::

MailScanner[10778]: Clamd::ERROR:: image003.png/Access denied. ERROR ::

MailScanner[10778]: Virus Scanning: Clamd found 4 infections

Why is happening this?
It doesn't happens with any other e-mail with attachments that are not
TNEF expandable.

It semas a permissions problem.
How can I solve it?

Carles Xavier Munyoz Baldó
Departamento de I+D+I
Tel./Fax: 966 446 046
cmunyoz at

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