Perl Error

Jerry Benton jerry.benton at
Tue Nov 29 23:51:58 UTC 2016

I removed the -U from /usr/sbin/MailScanner and that seems to have cleared the issue. 

Now I forgot why I added -U a couple of years ago … 

Jerry Benton
+1 - 844-436-6245

> On Nov 29, 2016, at 6:26 PM, Jerry Benton <jerry.benton at> wrote:
> Rick,
> If it were only that easy. 
> Those files are the Perl modules. The problem is buried in the MailScanner code … somewhere … 
> -
> Jerry Benton
> <>
> +1 - 844-436-6245
>> On Nov 29, 2016, at 6:19 PM, Rick Cooper <rcooper at <mailto:rcooper at>> wrote:
>> Look for the tainted item at those lines and untaint them? 
>> On November 29, 2016 6:14:26 PM EST, Jerry Benton <jerry.benton at <mailto:jerry.benton at>> wrote:
>> More info:
>> Then Dangerous Content Scanning is on, these errors happen. If you turn it off, they go away. I think this may be related to a change in a Perl module somewhere. Maybe IO::File ?  Anyway, I am trying to track this down. So far I have only seen this on CentOS. If anyone can lend a hand, I would appreciate it. 
>> -
>> Jerry Benton
>> <>
>> +1 - 844-436-6245
>>> On Nov 29, 2016, at 5:58 PM, Jerry Benton <jerry.benton at <mailto:jerry.benton at>> wrote:
>>> Anyone have any ideas?
>>> Insecure dependency in open while running with -T switch at /usr/lib64/perl5/IO/ line 185.
>>> Insecure dependency in open while running with -T switch at /usr/lib64/perl5/IO/ line 185.
>>> Insecure dependency in chmod while running with -T switch at /usr/local/share/perl5/Archive/Zip/ line 517.
>>> Insecure dependency in chmod while running with -T switch at /usr/local/share/perl5/Archive/Zip/ line 517.
>>> -
>>> Jerry Benton
>>> <>
>>> +1 - 844-436-6245
>> -- 
>> Rick Cooper 
>> Cell 260-414-8566
>> Fax 260-434-4400

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