Is MailScanner using spam.assassin.prefs.conf?
[SOLTECSIS] Carles Xavier Munyoz Baldó
carles at
Tue Jan 26 12:58:26 UTC 2016
I'm using MailScanner 4.85.2
I have setup Bayes in /etc/MailScanner/spam.assassin.prefs.conf
indicating the path:
bayes_path /etc/MailScanner/bayes/bayes
But the bayes database is not created.
I have seen that it has been created into the directory /root/.spamassassin/
That is, the default location for the Bayes database.
If I add:
bayes_path /etc/MailScanner/bayes/bayes
to /etc/spamassassin/local.conf then the bayes database is created in
the desired location /etc/MailScanner/bayes/bayes
For this reason I believe that MailScanner is not using the
/etc/MailScanner/spam.assassin.prefs.conf file.
How may I check it?
I have seen this in the MailScanner.conf file:
# The site-local rules are searched for here, and in
# prefix/etc/mail/spamassassin, /usr/local/etc/spamassassin,
# /etc/mail/spamassassin, and maybe others.
# Be careful of setting this: it may mean the spam.assassin.prefs.conf file
# is missed out, you will need to insert a soft-link with "ln -s" to link
# the file into in the new directory.
# If this is set then it replaces the list of places that are searched;
# otherwise it has no effect.
SpamAssassin Local Rules Dir =
May it be the problem?
Which value should I give to this configuration option?
Thank you very much in advance.
Carles Xavier Munyoz Baldó
Departamento de I+D+I
Tel./Fax: 966 446 046
cmunyoz at
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