quick question

Scott B. Anderson sbanderson at impromed.com
Thu Sep 17 13:59:03 UTC 2015

When using a ruleset to determine which emails to convert to plain text for both the htmltotext.rules and htmltotext_danger.rules options, is it possible to more granularly determine which emails to convert, rather than just on email address or domain, is it possible to look into the email itself and find, say :

Content-Type: text/calendar; charset="utf-8"; method=REQUEST
Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64
And tell it not to convert exchange calendar emails, for example ?

(ideally the html to text processor would rip out the meeting details and drop that into plain text, but I know that is asking a lot. )

So then I could set up a rule to say something like:
regardless of where it came from, if content is "text/calendar*" don't convert.

Syntax would be something like:
* type="text/calendar" no

Scott Anderson
IT Administrator


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