SPF check question

Richard Mealing richard at fastnet.co.uk
Tue Sep 15 08:51:00 UTC 2015

Hi Philip,

If it helps, I use a sendmail milter for my SPF checks and the following rules in spamassassin -

header SPF_CHECK_PASS Received-SPF=~ /\bPass\b/
describe SPF_CHECK_PASS SPF reports sender as permitted
score SPF_CHECK_PASS -1.5

header SPF_CHECK_SOFT_FAIL Received-SPF=~ /\bSoftFail\b/
describe SPF_CHECK_SOFT_FAIL SPF reports sender host as NOT permitted

header SPF_CHECK_FAIL Received-SPF=~ /\bFail\b/
describe SPF_CHECK_FAIL SPF reports sender host as NOT permitted
score SPF_CHECK_FAIL 5.0

header SPF_CHECK_NONE Received-SPF=~ /\bNone\b/
describe SPF_CHECK_NONE SPF None
score SPF_CHECK_NONE 0.0

header SPF_CHECK_NEUTRAL Received-SPF=~ /\bNeutral\b/
describe SPF_CHECK_NEUTRAL SPF no action on record

I guess you would need to match the regex with what you have in your maillog.


From: MailScanner [mailto:mailscanner-bounces at lists.mailscanner.info] On Behalf Of Philip Parsons
Sent: 14 September 2015 22:26
To: MailScanner Discussion <mailscanner at lists.mailscanner.info>
Subject: SPF check question

I have changed the amount of score for

#SPF Fail Check
score    SPF_FAIL       1.0

In mailscanner.cf

I have restarted MailScanner and have sent from an email address that has NO SPF records on it through the server and I assume it should get a score of one.  But it looks like if there is no SPF record then it does not score it at all?  If that is the case does anyone know what I can set to start to score domains without SPF records?

Thank you.
Philip Parsons

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