Update - Web Bug File

Barry Callahan barryc at rjlsystems.com
Wed Oct 28 15:54:29 UTC 2015


Your email made me think of something that I'm sorry to say had not 
occurred to me before now.
Is there a specific reason for us to all be using the same 1x1spacer.gif 
image from a central location?

Since you mentioned the toll that this is taking, those of us who are 
running our own webservers as well as our own mailservers could update 
the mailscanner config to use a locally-hosted image.

I mean, unless it serves a useful purpose, it seems silly for us to be 
using your infrastructure for the spacer when we could very easily be 
using our own.

#* Barry Callahan
#* Technologist
#* RJL Systems
#* phone: 1 586 790 - 0200 x112
#*        1 800 528 - 4513 x112
#* fax:   1 586 790 - 0205

On 10/28/2015 8:24 AM, Jerry Benton wrote:
> Hello,
> Please update your configs to use this as your “Web Bug Replacement”
> https://s3.amazonaws.com/mailscanner/images/1x1spacer.gif
> The MailScanner website gets hammered from all of the requests to the old link.
> -
> Jerry Benton
> www.mailborder.com

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