Drop email relayed from backup mail server with non-exist recipient address

Alex Neuman alex at vidadigital.com.pa
Tue Oct 20 17:56:25 UTC 2015

You shouldn't do that. You should have the backup server look up the
addresses either in real time using LDAP or through some sync mechanism.
Otherwise you're not only breaking the way it's supposed to work (550
errors for nonexistent addresses), you're paying for bandwidth you're not
using and allowing spammers to thrive.

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*Alex Neuman van der Hans* *Producer/Host**, Vida Digital*
+1 (440) 253-9789 <+1+(440)+253-9789> | +507 6781-9505 <+507+6781-9505> |
Panama |alex at vidadigital.com.pa | http://vidadigital.com.pa/ |Skype:










On Tue, Oct 20, 2015 at 12:38 PM, Gao <gao at pztop.com> wrote:

> Hi list,
> I have a backup email server to relay emails to the main server when it
> received emails. I configured it only relay the domain I defined and
> discard all other domains. For example, an email to abc at mydomain.tld get
> relayed to the main server, others like to abc at xyz.tld will get refused.
> But I see lots spam emails come to my backup server with wrong user
> account, like fakename-1 at mydomain.tld, fakename-2 at mydomain.tld.,etc.
> Those emails also get relayed to the main server. It cause the main server
> send out rejection emails to the spammer - and most likely the FROM address
> is a fake email address as well.
> So I want to add a rule to postfix or MailScanner: If the email is from my
> backup server with IP A.B.C.D, and the recipient address is not found in
> our virtual user table, the just drop the email.
> I googled and read POSTFIX doc and could not figure out a way to
> accomplish this. Could you please help me?
> Thanks a lot.
> Gao
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