Check which rules hit

Peter Nitschke email at
Mon Jun 22 17:20:51 UTC 2015

This looks interesting.

I edited to English for spam, not spam etc, but when I run it, it just says
"processing /var/log/maillog" and is very fast, but I get nothing, no
output to screen or file that I can find.

Any suggestions how I can understand it better?



*********** REPLY SEPARATOR  ***********

On 19/06/2015 at 12:26 PM Denis Beauchemin wrote:

>This encoded message has been converted to an attachment.
>I created this script a while back just to do that:
>#!/usr/bin/perl -w
># Script that looks through maillog to find all messages tagged as spam
># by MailScanner.  It then tallies the different SpamAssassin rules that
># fired.
># Denis Beauchemin, 20050516
>use Getopt::Long;
># Where some commands reside:
>my $GREP   = "/bin/grep";
>my $GUNZIP = "/bin/gunzip";
># Value of "Spam =" in %report-dir%/languages.conf
>my $isSpamString  = "est un polluriel, SpamAssassin";
>my $isHamString   = "est pas un polluriel, SpamAssassin";
>my $allString     = " un polluriel, SpamAssassin";
># Value of "score =" in %report-dir%/languages.conf
>my $scoreString   = "score=";
># Value of "required =" in %report-dir%/languages.conf
>my $reqdString    = "requis ";
>my $autoString    = "autolearn=spam";
>my $cachedString  = "cached, ";
>my $nCachedString = "not cached, ";
>my $maillog = "/var/log/maillog";
>@maillogs = ();
>my $sortByName = 0;
>my $sortByHits = 0;
>my $getHam = 0;
>my $getAll = 0;
>my $help = 0;
>    'sortbyname|byname' => \$sortByName,
>    'sortbyhits|byhits' => \$sortByHits,
>    'log=s' => \@maillogs,
>    'ham'   => \$getHam,
>    'all'   => \$getAll,
>    'help'  => \$help,
>if ( $help ) {
>    print '
>This program tallies SpamAssassin\'s rules that were triggered when
>an email was detected as spam by MailScanner.
>You can search for ham with the --ham option. 
>You can search for all SpamAssassin results with the --all option.
>By default it sorts the results by rule name. It can also sort them
>by number of hits if called with --sortbyhits (or --byhits).
>The option --sortbyname (or --byname) is the default one.
>If you don\'t want to use the current maillog, specify a different
>one with --log new-maillog.
>All unknown command line parameters will be treated as additional
>file names to process.
>It is OK for a log file to be gzipped.
>    exit;
>push @maillogs, @ARGV;
>@maillogs = ( $maillog ) if ( @maillogs  == 0 );
>#print "Maillogs: @maillogs\n";
>#my $searchString = $getHam ? $isHamString : $isSpamString;
>my $searchString;
>if ( $getAll ) {
>    $searchString = "$allString";
>} elsif ( $getHam ) {
>    $searchString = "$isHamString";
>} else {
>    $searchString = "$isSpamString";
>foreach my $maillog ( @maillogs ) {
>    print "Processing $maillog...\n";
>    $sortByName++ if ( ( $sortByName == 0 ) && ( $sortByHits == 0
) );
>    my $openCmd = "LANG=C $GREP \"$searchString\" $maillog |";
>    if ( $maillog =~ /\.gz$/ ) {
>        $openCmd = "$GUNZIP -c $maillog | LANG=C $GREP
>    }
>    open LOG, "$openCmd" || die "Cannot open $maillog";
>    while ( <LOG> ) {
>        next unless /$searchString
>\((?:$cachedString|$nCachedString)$scoreString[-\d.]+, $reqdStrin
>g[-\d.]+,(?: $autoString,)?(.*)$/;
>        my $hits = $1;
>        foreach my $hit ( $hits =~ / ([^\s]+) -?[\d.]+(?:,|\))/g ) {
>            $hit{$hit}++;
>        }
>    }
>    close LOG;
>if ( $sortByName ) {
>    foreach my $hit ( sort keys %hit ) {
>        printf "%27s %5d\n", $hit, $hit{$hit};
>    }
>} elsif ( $sortByHits ) {
>    foreach my $hit ( sort {$hit{$b}<=>$hit{$a}} keys %hit ) {
>        printf "%27s %5d\n", $hit, $hit{$hit};
>    }
>-----Message d'origine-----
>De : MailScanner [mailto:mailscanner-bounces at]
>la part de Peter Nitschke
>Envoyé : 19 juin 2015 02:21
>À : mailscanner at
>Objet : Check which rules hit
>I have built up a large number of rules for SA to use with MS and many are
>probably now obsolete.
>How can I monitor which rules are getting hits?
>MailScanner mailing list
>mailscanner at

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