MailScanner Statistics

Walt Thiessen wt at
Fri Dec 25 14:02:17 UTC 2015

Sure, most of the web uses javascript. These days, it's hard to find 
websites that DON'T use javascript in one form or another. So what?

As for being "obsessed", I think Jerry's original post answers that. 
It's not an obsession to want to know how much interest there is in what 
you're offering.

Does data collection go too far? Sure, but do we really need to throw 
out the baby with the bathwater in order to place limits?

On 12/25/2015 12:57 AM, Andrew Colin Kissa wrote:
> On 24 Dec 2015, at 8:30 PM, Jerry Benton <jerry.benton at> wrote:
>> Sure, except you cannot use Google analytics with a .conf file that gets downloaded 20,000+ times a day with curl or wget that accounts for 10GB of transfer every day.
> And… doesn't Google analytics use javascript ?
> And… why are people so obsessed with having Google collect data on them and their users ?

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