email sent from virtual domains on server being tagged as spam

Howard Fleming hfleming at
Thu Aug 6 15:35:56 UTC 2015

Good morning,

I am in the process of rebuilding my mail server and running into a 
problem with any email sent from the 2 virtual domains on the system is 
being flagged as spam by MailScanner (the other 2 domains that are not 
virtual is working as it should).  Other than the virtual domain 
outgoing email being flagged as spam, everything appears to be working 
as it should.

Any suggestions on where to start looking and what additional 
information I need to send here for troubleshooting?

System info:

CentOS 6.6
Postfix version 2.6.6, Release 6.el6_5

MailScanner -v
Running on
Linux 2.6.32-504.30.3.el6.x86_64 #1 SMP Wed Jul 15 
10:13:09 UTC 2015 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
This is CentOS release 6.6 (Final)
This is Perl version 5.010001 (5.10.1)

This is MailScanner version 4.85.2
Module versions are:
1.00    AnyDBM_File
1.30    Archive::Zip
0.23    bignum
1.11    Carp
2.021   Compress::Zlib
1.119   Convert::BinHex
0.17    Convert::TNEF
2.124   Data::Dumper
2.27    Date::Parse
1.03    DirHandle
1.06    Fcntl
2.77    File::Basename
2.14    File::Copy
2.02    FileHandle
2.08    File::Path
0.22    File::Temp
0.92    Filesys::Df
3.64    HTML::Entities
3.64    HTML::Parser
3.57    HTML::TokeParser
1.25    IO
1.14    IO::File
1.13    IO::Pipe
2.04    Mail::Header
1.9993  Math::BigInt
0.22    Math::BigRat
3.08    MIME::Base64
5.427   MIME::Decoder
5.427   MIME::Decoder::UU
5.427   MIME::Head
5.427   MIME::Parser
3.08    MIME::QuotedPrint
5.427   MIME::Tools
0.14    Net::CIDR
1.25    Net::IP
0.19    OLE::Storage_Lite
1.04    Pod::Escapes
3.13    Pod::Simple
1.17    POSIX
1.21    Scalar::Util
1.82    Socket
2.20    Storable
1.4     Sys::Hostname::Long
0.27    Sys::Syslog
1.40    Test::Pod
0.92    Test::Simple
1.9721  Time::HiRes
1.02    Time::localtime

Optional module versions are:
1.58    Archive::Tar
0.23    bignum
missing Business::ISBN
missing Business::ISBN::Data
1.15    Data::Dump
1.82    DB_File
1.27    DBD::SQLite
1.609   DBI
1.16    Digest
1.01    Digest::HMAC
2.39    Digest::MD5
2.12    Digest::SHA1
1.01    Encode::Detect
0.17015 Error
0.27    ExtUtils::CBuilder
2.2203  ExtUtils::ParseXS
2.38    Getopt::Long
0.46    Inline
1.08    IO::String
1.09    IO::Zlib
2.28    IP::Country
0.29    Mail::ClamAV
3.003001        Mail::SpamAssassin
v2.008  Mail::SPF
1.999001        Mail::SPF::Query
0.35    Module::Build
0.21    Net::CIDR::Lite
0.65    Net::DNS
v0.003  Net::DNS::Resolver::Programmable
0.65    Net::LDAP
  4.027  NetAddr::IP
1.965001        Parse::RecDescent
missing SAVI
3.17    Test::Harness
1.22    Test::Manifest
2.0.0   Text::Balanced
1.40    URI
0.77    version
missing YAML

MailScanner --lint
Trying to setlogsock(unix)

Reading configuration file /etc/MailScanner/MailScanner.conf
Reading configuration file /etc/MailScanner/conf.d/README
Read 462 hostnames from the phishing whitelist
Read 12121 hostnames from the phishing blacklists

Checking version numbers...
Version number in MailScanner.conf (4.85.2) is correct.

Your envelope_sender_header in spam.assassin.prefs.conf is correct.
MailScanner setting GID to  (89)
MailScanner setting UID to  (89)

Checking for SpamAssassin errors (if you use it)...
Using SpamAssassin results cache
Connected to SpamAssassin cache database
SpamAssassin reported no errors.
Connected to Processing Attempts Database
Created Processing Attempts Database successfully
There are 0 messages in the Processing Attempts Database
Using locktype = posix
MailScanner.conf says "Virus Scanners = clamd"
Found these virus scanners installed: clamavmodule, clamd
Filename Checks: Windows/DOS Executable (1
Other Checks: Found 1 problems
Virus and Content Scanning: Starting
Clamd::INFECTED:: Eicar-Test-Signature :: ./1/
Virus Scanning: Clamd found 2 infections
Infected message 1 came from
Virus Scanning: Found 2 viruses
Virus Scanner test reports:
Clamd said " was infected: Eicar-Test-Signature"

If any of your virus scanners (clamavmodule,clamd)
are not listed there, you should check that they are installed correctly
and that MailScanner is finding them correctly via its virus.scanners.conf.

Thanks for any help,

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