delaying mails
Alex Neuman
alex at
Mon Oct 6 23:51:34 IST 2014
If you have a spare server and can pay by PayPal I can give you a solution,
but in order for it to work with *some* users those users will have to be
on a separate server.
This is *way beyond* the scope of MailScanner or the MTA for that matter.
It's still doable, though.
*Alex Neuman van der Hans*Reliant Technologies / Vida Digital
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On Mon, Oct 6, 2014 at 4:23 PM, Glenn Steen <glenn.steen at> wrote:
> Quite sensibley put Alex. In the words of Manuel Knight: It dosn't matter
> if you why and how, if you don't have desire to do it... it will never
> happen.
> Otoh, just because something is Dilbert-worthy doesn't mean there isn't a
> technial solution... However badly construed...:-)
> Cheers!
> --
> -- Glenn
> Den 6 okt 2014 22:37 skrev "Alex Crow" <alex at>:
>> Hi,
>> IMHO this is just a "middle-managment" idiocy. Why don't they just go for
>> a coffee break? Or indeed just stop looking at their email if they are not
>> required to? Is it in writing as a policy at least so people feel OK about
>> going offline? Or is it a one-upmanship thing where everyone is too afraid
>> to stop looking in case they look bad in comparison with the compulsive
>> unpaid overtime crowd?
>> Worthy of Dilbert anyway - ie transform an obvious people management
>> problem into an IT problem (because most managers are incapable of
>> managing).
>> I have the same thing with telephony, ie "what technology can make people
>> who don't pick up the phone, pick up the phone, but not make people feel
>> like we're a call centre". We've pitched ACD but no-one's willing to stump
>> up the <100K licence for the org. But they don't understand that when you
>> have someone that doesn't want to use the phone, no amount of technology
>> (short of electric shocks/live grenades etc) will make them do it!
>> Alex
>> On 06/10/14 12:15, ja at wrote:
>> hi
>> its not a spam issue so maybe a bit off topic but Im just thinking if
>> maybe this is something mailscanner could do anyway or if anyone would
>> maybe thing ahh you can do this...
>> we are scanning incomming mail for a domain XXXX - not all users, but
>> some/most we want to control WHEN they get the emails. During most of the
>> working hours we want some of the users to have "a break" (yes they could
>> just close the mail program :) ). Could we in anyway force this by
>> accepting the mails to the mailserver/mailscanner but delay the relay until
>> after ie. 18.00 hours. During off hours all mails are delivered straight
>> away. Our mailserver does not support anything like this. Also since its
>> not ALL of the users/domains we cannot just shutdown the firewall AND we
>> dont want the sender of the email to get a "delayed" report.
>> ideas? know of a proxy smtp or something other or something smart in
>> MailScanner ?
>> best regards
>> Jan
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