
Mohammed Ejaz mejaz at cyberia.net.sa
Mon Nov 17 07:33:03 GMT 2014

Thanks you so much for your reply,


There is no different in the file, the same file I can sent and open it when I eliminate my mail scanner server.


one more thing, is there any way I can get official support of mail scanner. we are ready to pay.




From: mailscanner-bounces at lists.mailscanner.info [mailto:mailscanner-bounces at lists.mailscanner.info] On Behalf Of Alex Neuman
Sent: Sunday, November 16, 2014 7:56 PM
To: MailScanner discussion
Subject: Re: PDF-gets-corrupted


Can you do a comparison on the files that go to one server and the other? What differences do they have?


Alex Neuman van der Hans
Reliant Technologies / Vida Digital
 <http://vidadigital.com.pa/> http://vidadigital.com.pa/


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On Sun, Nov 16, 2014 at 8:29 AM, Mohammed Ejaz <mejaz at cyberia.net.sa <mailto:mejaz at cyberia.net.sa> > wrote:



We  have some problem  through one of the sender "" whenever he is sending an email with an attachment of more than 1 MB of PDF, gets corrupted and recipient cannot open the file, it says problem with file format.  


whereas the same sender ending same attachment  to yahoo, Hotmail and gmail etcc. without any problem. 


our setup is 


Front End (we use to filter the email)


mailscanner,clamav,spamassin with postfix mail servers 




Communicate  where the actual mailboxes are existed.


when eliminate our front end filters just to test Email (problematic Email and attachment)  gets through. it clears that problem is Mailscanner somewhere. but I unable to trace out. 


so. please any help would be highly appreciated. 


Thanks in advance.


Best Regards


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