TNEF in postfix hold path

Ugo Vasi ugo.vasi at
Mon Dec 15 17:05:28 GMT 2014

Hi all,
in a recent installation (debian 7 + mailscanner 4.84.5-4~wheezy + 
postfix   2.9.6-2) I see this warnings in mail.log:

Dec 15 17:57:23 mail postfix/showq[18891]: warning: hold/tnefwaSOJu: uid 
102: not a regular file
Dec 15 17:57:23 mail postfix/showq[18891]: warning: hold/tnef0R36P5: uid 
102: not a regular file
Dec 15 17:57:23 mail postfix/showq[18891]: warning: hold/tnefTBC2pw: uid 
102: not a regular file
Dec 15 17:57:23 mail postfix/showq[18891]: warning: hold/tnefvBgPij: uid 
102: not a regular file
Dec 15 17:57:23 mail postfix/showq[18891]: warning: hold/tnef9a5yNc: uid 
102: not a regular file
Dec 15 17:57:23 mail postfix/showq[18891]: warning: hold/tnef2XEO6H: uid 
102: not a regular file
Dec 15 17:57:23 mail postfix/showq[18891]: warning: hold/tnefceRLQ7: uid 
102: not a regular file
Dec 15 17:57:23 mail postfix/showq[18891]: warning: hold/tnefFF_uw1: uid 
102: not a regular file
Dec 15 17:57:23 mail postfix/showq[18891]: warning: hold/tnefq6wleV: uid 
102: not a regular file

Infact, in the /var/spool/postfix/hold folder, I see these "tnef*" 
folders that are deleted after a while.

I suspect that MailScanner use the TNEF Eìexpander (/usr/bin/tnef) in 
the postfix's hold directory.

It seems that this does not create problems to the email flow but it is 

Who can help me to find a solution?



   U g o   V a s i    <ugo.vasi at>
   P r o c n e  s.r.l    >)
   via Cotonificio 45  33010 Tavagnacco IT
   phone: +390432486523 fax: +390432486523

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