Bounces from Yahoo

Rick Cooper rcooper at
Wed Dec 3 16:42:26 GMT 2014

Kevin Miller wrote:
> Mine are set to the top.  I don't have DKIM set up however.  Not sure
> if that matters. 
> I don't think I've ever changed that and have been running
> MailScanner since 2003 or so.  It's only become an issue for us
> recently.  
> ...Kevin
> --
> Kevin Miller
> Network/email Administrator, CBJ MIS Dept.
> 155 South Seward Street
> Juneau, Alaska 99801
> Phone: (907) 586-0242, Fax: (907) 586-4500
> Registered Linux User No: 307357

Doesn't matter if you use DKIM or not, if you don't then there is no reason
to be concerned about maintaining header order as you cannot break the
signature if none exist unless you are forwarding for a system that does
sign their messages. Since this has never occurred for me I have no way to
get an original message but I am wondering, since it always seems to be the
subject that is duplicated, if it has something to do with the subject
rewrite settings, or a syntax issue with the original subject line not
matching the test for delete header

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