Mailscanner / Sophos does not block viruses

ci at ci at
Tue Nov 12 07:33:22 GMT 2013

On Mon, Nov 11, 2013 at 10:04:19AM -0800 you wrote:

> [output of MailScanner --lint]
> Actually not. The above should look like (with sophos instead of Clamd)
> ===========================================================================
> Filename Checks: Windows/DOS Executable (1
> Other Checks: Found 1 problems
> Virus and Content Scanning: Starting
> Clamd::INFECTED::Eicar-Test-Signature :: ./1/
> Clamd::INFECTED:: Eicar-Test-Signature :: ./1/
> Virus Scanning: Clamd found 2 infections
> Infected message 1 came from
> Virus Scanning: Found 2 viruses
> ===========================================================================
> Virus Scanner test reports:
> Clamd said " was infected: Eicar-Test-Signature"
> If any of your virus scanners ...
> It seems from your other posts that sophos is being properly invoked and
> detects the infection as it mails the admin about it, but the detection
> is not being picked up by MailScanner.
> What do you have in the "Options specific to Sophos Anti-Virus" section
> of MailScanner.conf? In particular,
> Allowed Sophos Error Messages =

It is:
Allowed Sophos Error Messages =

(no value)

R. Cirksena 

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