MailScanner Development

Rick Cooper rcooper at
Thu Jun 13 20:23:14 IST 2013

Andrew Colin Kissa wrote:
> On 07 Jun 2013, at 2:19 PM, Glenn Steen wrote:
>> AFAIU, Jules has more or less passed this on to some members of this
>> list (among others the Baruwa originator), and most (if not all)
>> development is tracked on github these days... Search the list for
>> github references and you'll see:-).
>> BTW you don't remember wrong... It used to be a stable release every
>> month, then bimonthly... and now almost never:-):-).
>> It might reflect a couple of different things... That the product has
>> stabilised nicely, that email threats are on a decline (well:-) etc.
>> Major factor is probably that Jules isn't so directly involved any
>> more. 
> The product has mostly reached maturity in the present state, there
> is not enough code changes any more to justify a monthly release.
> That having been said, there a few ideas that i would like to
> implement to improve the performance and speed of processing one
> being changing from scanning the queue to a file monitoring based
> pickup instead which will immediately scan the message as soon as it
> is written to the MTA spool directory.
> Anyone with feature requests should file them to the Github issues.
> - Andrew
> --

Is there a link for that? I have, some time ago, been running spamd instead
of the perl module and while the speed difference is insignificant the
memory usage and aparent load is probably more than switching from the
clamav module to clamd

Rick Cooper

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