Out of Office 1/25/2013 & 1/28/2013

jtbober at argentassociates.com jtbober at argentassociates.com
Sun Jan 27 14:02:05 GMT 2013

I will be out of the office on 1/25/2013 and 1/28/2013. 

Please contact Andy Valdez at avaldez at argentassociates.com or at 732-512-9009 if you have any questions regarding the Ericsson Converged Workspace.

If this is a DAS inquiry please contact Tom Azydzik at toma at argentassociates.com or at 732-512-9009.

For ISO or TL9000 quality control matters please contact Mike Sanzo at msanzo at argentassociates.com or at 732-512-9009. 

If immediate assistance is required please contact me via cell phone at 908-625-9564.

Thank you,

Jonathan Bober

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