Spamassassin issue

Glenn Steen glenn.steen at
Fri Nov 23 03:07:52 GMT 2012

What MTA?
Den 21 nov 2012 19:34 skrev "Mike Watson" <mikew at>:

>  I'm running the current versions of MailScanner and Spamassassin on a
> new CentOS 6 server. Both MS and SA appear to be working detecting spam and
> virii. However, I'm seeing some false positives and negatives from
> Spamassassin. I know there is a mechanism, SA-LEARN, to teach Spamassassin.
> What is the correct means of "teaching" Spamassassin? Where is the Bayes
> db located? The one under MS appears unused (at least unupdated). If I run
> emails through sa-learn, which user should I be (the local user or root?)
> I've used MS and SA before and didn't seem to have these problems but I am
> getting a significant number of false hits on the new server.
> mw
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