Bug in mailscanner-4.84.5-2 ? Archive && Filename Subject Text

Christophe GRENIER grenier at cgsecurity.org
Thu Jun 14 15:45:57 IST 2012


The problem is that when an exe is received in a zip archive, the subject
is prefixed by [Virus] instead of [Fichier] ("File" in French).

When an exe is received in attachment, no problem: the subject is prefixed
correctly. When a virus is detected, "Virus Subject Text" prefixes the
subject correctly.

Extract from MailScanner.conf:
Maximum Archive Depth = %etc-dir%/maximum_archive_depth.rules
Archives: Filename Rules = %etc-dir%/archives.filename.rules.conf
Virus Modify Subject = yes
Virus Subject Text = [Virus]
Filename Modify Subject = yes
Filename Subject Text = [Fichier]

I was using "Maximum Archive Depth = 0" until today. The default is
still 0 but I was testing with 1 for my domain.
Please let me know if you need more info.


    ,-~~-.___.     ._.
   / |  '     \    | |--------.   Christophe GRENIER
  (  )         0   | |        | grenier at cgsecurity.org
   \_/-, ,----'    | |        |
      ====         !_!-v---v--.
      /  \-'~;      .--------.   TestDisk & PhotoRec
     /  __/~| ._-""||        |   Data Recovery
   =(  _____|_|____||________|   http://www.cgsecurity.org

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