Excessive temporary files

Phil Daws uxbod at splatnix.net
Tue Jul 24 16:53:03 IST 2012

Hello all, 

am running MailScanner-4.84.5-2 and have found that under /var/spool/MailScanner/incoming/SpamAssassin-Temp there is a huge build up of tmp.??????? and MailScanner.????? files. The later I have resolved by changing /usr/lib/MailScanner/MailScanner/CustomFunctions/Ruleset-from-Function.pm line 34 from: 

my($tmpfh, $tmpfilename) = tempfile("MailScanner.XXXXXX", TMPDIR => 1, UNLINK => 0); 


my($tmpfh, $tmpfilename) = tempfile("MailScanner.XXXXXX", TMPDIR => 1, UNLINK => 1); 

which means that if the daemon dies it will clean up the temporary file. 

Any thoughts on the tmp.??????? ones as I have scanned the code for tempfile() calls plus tmpfile() and cannot find where they are generated. I think they may be coming from SA.pm. 

Thanks, Phil 

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