Maybe fixed: Taint bug

Sander Klein roedie at
Mon Jul 16 14:17:32 IST 2012

Hi All,

I think I've found and fixed the taint bug which is in the mailscanner 
releases. The problem is in the file.

The routine giving the problems is:

sub CopyEntireMessage {
   my $this = shift;
   my($message, $targetdir, $targetfile, $uid, $gid, $changeowner) = @_;

   #print STDERR "Copying to $targetdir $targetfile\n";
   if (MailScanner::Config::Value('storeentireasdfqf')) {
     #print STDERR "Copying to dir $targetdir\n";
     return ($this->CopyToDir($targetdir, $targetfile, $uid, $gid,
   } else {
     #print STDERR "Copying to file $targetdir/$targetfile\n";
     my $target = new IO::File "$targetdir/$targetfile", "w";
     MailScanner::Log::WarnLog("writing to $targetdir/$targetfile: $!")
       if not defined $target;
     $this->WriteEntireMessage($message, $target);
     return $targetdir . '/' . $targetfile;

Here $targetfile is still tainted and will result in failure. Changing 
te routine to:

sub CopyEntireMessage {
   my $this = shift;
   my($message, $targetdir, $targetfile, $uid, $gid, $changeowner) = @_;

   $targetfile =~/([\w\d]{10}.[\w\d]{5})/;
   $targetfile = $1;

   #print STDERR "Copying to $targetdir $targetfile\n";
   if (MailScanner::Config::Value('storeentireasdfqf')) {
     #print STDERR "Copying to dir $targetdir\n";
     return ($this->CopyToDir($targetdir, $targetfile, $uid, $gid,
   } else {
     #print STDERR "Copying to file $targetdir/$targetfile\n";
     my $target = new IO::File "$targetdir/$targetfile", "w";
     MailScanner::Log::WarnLog("writing to $targetdir/$targetfile: $!")
       if not defined $target;
     $this->WriteEntireMessage($message, $target);
     return $targetdir . '/' . $targetfile;

fixes the problem. To make this change perfect it probably would be 
better to check if $targetfile isn't empty after setting $1. This is 
just my own POC to see if the change works.



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