Scanning outbound mail?

Richard Lynch rich at
Thu Feb 9 16:44:38 GMT 2012

Hi Everyone,

We currently don't use MailScanner to scan outbound mail -- we only scan 
inbound messages.  We do use clamav with some of the sanesecurity DBs on 
outbound but that's it.  Scanning outbound mail would be problematic 
because of false positives and differing requirements.  For example, I 
don't want to bounce spam detected messages on inbound but on outbound 
it would probably be a requirement so that the sender (one of our users) 
would know that their message wasn't sent.

So, I'm trying to get a feel for what other sites do.  Do you use 
MailScanner for outbound mail?  If so how do you handle messages that 
are rejected?  Do you bounce it or just ignore it or what?

I appreciate any input or advise anyone wants to offer.

Richard Lynch


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