Maximum Message Size / Attachments.

Richard Mealing richard at
Mon Oct 24 13:11:36 IST 2011

Hi everyone,

I'm using MailScanner-4.83.5 and I've changed the Maximum Message size / attachment size to rulesets..

Maximum Message Size = %rules-dir%/max.message.size.rules

In my rules file I have this set -

# Set the Maximum Message size.
# Do not change this default line.
FromOrTo:       default 0
To:     *      5M

When I email my domain with an 11m attachment, it comes in fine and gets scanned, spamassassin says to big to scan, but the email gets delivered. I want to bounce the email using mailscanner. Is this possible or should I just give up and do this on sendmail somehow?

I also tried setting Maximum Attachment size to a ruleset and creating this ruleset -

# Set the Maximum Message size.
# Do not change this default line.
FromOrTo: default       -1
To:     *      5M

Again the email just comes through nicely, but not what I want!

I have restarted mailscanner and reloaded it, restarted the machine. I can't see any problems in lint.

Many thanks,


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