possible bug in 4.84.3-1 located in clamav-wrapper - Found word(s) list error in the Text body

Alexandru Ionica alexandru.ionica at gmail.com
Thu Nov 10 09:24:23 GMT 2011

Still i have the feeling we are talking about different things.

Clamav , postfix and Mailscanner all run as postfix user.

Now which part am i not making clear when i say that according to initial
log entry , clamav was trying to create a folder in a file instead of
creating a folder in a folder ???  Or at least this is what i understand
and you are not pointing that i'm understanding it wrong but you keep
saying that it's a permission problem. I still don't understand how running
clamav as a different user will make it try to create a folder in a file .
I will also draw it below, just in case it's still not clear what i am
reporting here (let's hope the formatting isn't lost)
^       ^          ^                 ^
^                                      ^                   ^
|     folder       |              folder
|                                 file !!!!!!               |
folder         folder
folder                                                    attempt to create
this folder

So i am running Postfix, MailScanner and Clamscan as user and group postfix.

# grep -i postfix MailScanner.conf | grep -v ^#
Run As User = postfix
Run As Group = postfix
Incoming Queue Dir = /var/spool/postfix/hold
Outgoing Queue Dir = /var/spool/postfix/incoming
MTA = postfix
Incoming Work User = postfix
Incoming Work Group = postfix

On Wed, Nov 9, 2011 at 10:52 PM, Jeremy McSpadden <jeremy at fluxlabs.net>wrote:

> So make sure your clamav is running as the postfix user.
> --
> Jeremy McSpadden
> On Nov 9, 2011, at 3:51 PM, "Alexandru Ionica" <alexandru.ionica at gmail.com>
> wrote:
> its postfix
> On Wed, Nov 9, 2011 at 4:24 PM, Jeremy McSpadden <jeremy at fluxlabs.net>wrote:
>> Can you verify which user is running clamav ? It should be the same user
>> thats running your MTA
>>  --****
>> Jeremy McSpadden****
>> Flux Labs, Inc****
>> http://www.fluxlabs.net
>> Endless Solutions****
>> *Office* : 850-588-4626****
>> *Cell* : 850-890-2543
>> *Fax* : 850-254-2955
>> On Nov 9, 2011, at 8:36 AM, Jeremy McSpadden wrote:
>> Looks more like a permissions issue than a bug
>>  --
>> Jeremy McSpadden
>> Flux Labs, Inc
>> http://www.fluxlabs.net
>> Endless Solutions
>> *Office* : 850-588-4626
>> *Cell* : 850-890-2543
>> *Fax* : 850-254-2955
>> On Nov 9, 2011, at 8:19 AM, Alexandru Ionica wrote:
>> Hello,
>> MailScanner 4.84.3-1 fresh install running on Centos-6 x86_64 .
>> Running MailScanner --debug-sa i noticed the following:
>> 12:54:12 LibClamAV Error: cli_scanhtml: Can't create temporary directory
>> /var/spool/MailScanner/incoming/SpamAssassin-Temp/tmp.vWQ4hixN67/clamav-497c230ffa4f39a4779ea7618dd8efa4
>> /var/spool/MailScanner/incoming/SpamAssassin-Temp/tmp.vWQ4hixN67 is a
>> file and not a directory so this is why it was caused.
>> I looked at /usr/lib/MailScanner/clamav-wrapper and changed
>> TempDir=$(mktemp) || { echo "$0: Cannot make name for temporary dir" >&2;
>> exit 1; }
>> to
>> TempDir=$(mktemp -d --tmpdir=/var/spool/MailScanner/clamav) || { echo
>> "$0: Cannot make name for temporary dir" >&2; exit 1; }
>> I presume the --tmpdir wouldn't have been needed but i wanted to also
>> move it do a different folder.
>> Anyway the cause seems to be the lack of the -d flag to mktemp so mktemp
>> creates a file instead of a folder.
>> After doing the above change i don't see any more errors or warnings from
>> clamav.
>> Regards.
>> --
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