Maximum Message Size / Attachments.

Brad Beckenhauer bbecken at
Wed Nov 2 14:31:52 GMT 2011

5/5/2006 New in Version 4.53.8-1
- Added support for optional multipliers in numbers in
MailScanner.conf. So you can now write "50M" instead of "50000000". The
multipliers supported are "k", "m" and "g" to denote 1 thousand, 1
million and 1 billion (10^9) in upper or lower case. You must *not* put
any spaces between the number and the multiplier character. examples: #
Set addresses/domains to be limited as follows:
# Direction     Pattern         Size Limit
# From: user at    1m    # Limit FROM specified user to
# From: *   10m   # Limit FROM specified domain to
# From: 123.234.567.2           1m    # Limit FROM IP address to 1MB
# From: 123.234.                1m    # Limit FROM IP range to 1MB
# From: /^192\.168\.13[4567]\./ 500k  # Limit FROM IP range to 500K
# To:   abc at             0     # No Attachments allowed TO this
# To:   *             1m    # Limit all TO this Domain to
FromOrTo: *            25m   # Limit to 25MB
FromOrTo:       default        50m   # Default. 

>>> On 10/24/2011 at 7:11 AM, Richard Mealing <richard at>

Hi everyone,
I’m using MailScanner-4.83.5 and I’ve changed the Maximum Message size
/ attachment size to rulesets..
Maximum Message Size = %rules-dir%/max.message.size.rules
In my rules file I have this set – 
# Set the Maximum Message size.
# Do not change this default line.
FromOrTo:       default 0
To:     *      5M
When I email my domain with an 11m attachment, it comes in fine and
gets scanned, spamassassin says to big to scan, but the email gets
delivered. I want to bounce the email using mailscanner. Is this
possible or should I just give up and do this on sendmail somehow? 
I also tried setting Maximum Attachment size to a ruleset and creating
this ruleset – 
# Set the Maximum Message size.
# Do not change this default line.
FromOrTo: default       -1
To:     *      5M
Again the email just comes through nicely, but not what I want!
I have restarted mailscanner and reloaded it, restarted the machine. I
can’t see any problems in lint.
Many thanks,
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