Peter Bonivart bonivart at opencsw.org
Thu Mar 31 17:54:39 IST 2011

On Thu, Mar 31, 2011 at 6:18 PM,  <donald.dawson at bakerbotts.com> wrote:
> We are using Fedora Core 8 (mistake) and plan to move to a more stable,
> Enterprise version of Linux.  I don't expect we will need support, but which
> is better RHE or CENTOS, or other?

CentOS is basically RH with all trademark info and logos replaced.
Functionality is the same. We use CentOS when there's no requirement
for a support contract, e.g. if you're running some business
application or Oracle, then we use RH with a license. For MailScanner
there's no need for  RH.

You will also be familiar with the RPM package system from FC.


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