mutiple Signature Image Filenames

Scott B. Anderson sbanderson at
Thu Mar 10 19:42:58 GMT 2011

Actually, I'm running into a different issue now.  

When I changed:
 Inline HTML Signature = %report-dir%/inline.sig.html 
Inline HTML Signature = %rules-dir%/inline-html.conf   

And set   %rules-dir%/inline-html.conf   
From: * %report-dir%/domain1-inline.sig.html
From: * %report-dir%/domain2-inline.sig.html

I got the following on the outbound email: 

From: * /etc/MailScanner/reports/en/domain1-inline.sig.html From: * /etc/MailScanner/reports/en/domain2-inline.sig.html 

So it didn't expand that part at all.    Domain2-inline.sig.html  is a copy of domain1, and since Signature Image Filename doesn't appear to support rulesets, I overloaded it in MailScanner.conf -  eg

Signature Image Filename = %report-dir%/domain1.gif  %report-dir%/domain2.gif  
Signature Image <img> Filename = domain1.gif domain2.gif

So I'm now back to my original configuration where I'm just using a ruleset on scan clean messages by domain and that is working fine for one image, one or more domains.


-----Original Message-----
From: mailscanner-bounces at [mailto:mailscanner-bounces at] On Behalf Of Martin Hepworth
Sent: Thursday, March 10, 2011 1:12 PM
To: MailScanner discussion
Subject: Re: mutiple Signature Image Filenames

Have a look for overloading in the wiki, and see if this works for this feature


On Thursday, 10 March 2011, Scott B. Anderson <sbanderson at> wrote:
> I've been using inline signatures, both html and txt for a long time, based on ruleset by domain (multiple inline signatures) but until now have not been asked to use a picture in the signature.  I realize I could use an a href in the html signature -- but want to avoid doing that for reasons that should be obvious to all of us here.  I started by using the Signature Image Filename, and that works great as long as only one of the domans are assigned an image, or all domains use the same image.  Is there a way to specify multiple Signature Image Filenames?  I'm using 4.81.4 at the moment, but could upgrade if necessary.  If I missed this when RTFM'ing I'm sorry in advance.
> Scott Anderson
> sbanderson at
> --
> ImproMed, LLC.
> --
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Martin Hepworth
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