MailScanner not removing viruses

Desai, Jason jase at
Mon Jun 20 17:05:01 IST 2011

I have recently upgraded from Debian Lenny running MailScanner version
4.72.5-1 to Debian Squeeze running MailScanner 4.83.5-1.  MailScanner
was installed from the tarball (not the Debian repository).

We have "Still Deliver Silent Viruses = yes" in the configuration, as we
do not get a lot of viruses and like to let people know that MailScanner
is protecting them.  In version 7.72.5-1, a silent virus would still be
"cleaned" - removed from the email and replaced with a notice - before
being delivered.  However, with version 4.83.5-1, it seems that the
virus is passed on without being removed.

I suspect this has something to do with the changes made in 4.78.17-1
when the order of the virus and spam checking was switched, and code for
spam-viruses was added.  I have come up with a simple patch that seems
to fix the issue:

---        2010-08-03 07:19:16.000000000 -0400
+++     2011-06-20 11:39:04.000000000 -0400
@@ -875,6 +875,7 @@
     #MailScanner::Log::WarnLog("Deliversilent for %s is %s",
     #                MailScanner::Config::Value('deliversilent',
     if (MailScanner::Config::Value('deliversilent', $message)) {
+      $message->Clean();
       #print STDERR "Deleting silent-infected message " .
$message->{id} . "\n";
       push @messages, $message;

I'm not sure if this is the best place to do the clean or not, but it
does seem to work fine.  

Julian, can you take a look if you get a chance?

I would highly recommend either using this patch or not setting "Still
Deliver Silent Viruses = yes".  The default is no, which I think would
be recommended anyways.


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