Problems with MailScanner and SELinux compatibility

Mark L. Wise mark at
Thu Jun 9 16:53:24 IST 2011

Sorry if this is a second post...  I am still debugging my new mail 
server and I did not see the first post come back to me from the list...

I have just built a new box based on Fedora Core 15 (  I am 
going to use this box as a mail server.  I am using sendmail (8.14.4), 
spamassassin (3.3.2-r929478), clamav (0.97), dovecot (2.0.13) and 
MailScanner (4.83.5).

Everything appears to be configured well and working, except when I turn 
on MailScanner I get errors in the maillog file that indicate a problem 
writing (apparently temporary) files.

After a bit of research, it appears that this may be a conflict between 
MailScanner and SELinux.

Does anyone have a SELinux policy or know of a way to fix this issue?  I 
really would like to have SELinux enforcing AND MailScanner checking my 

Thanks in advance for any help you can give me.


Mark L. Wise

Alpha II Service, Inc.
1312 Epworth Ave
Reynoldsburg, Ohio 43068-2116

Office: (614) 868-5033
Fax: (614) 868-1060
Email: mark at

"People do not quit playing because they grow old; they grow old because 
they quit playing."

Oliver Wendell Holmes

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