High Scoring Spam Action

Paul Arne Riksheim Tenfjord paul at tenfjord.net
Thu Jan 13 09:38:57 GMT 2011

On Thu, 2011-01-13 at 17:19 +0800, Nik Muhyyiddin wrote:
> Hi All,
> If I set the “High Scoring Spam Actions = store-spam” where will be
> the email being stored?
> Thanks for help.
> Nik


>From MailScanner.conf :
#    store-spam              - store the message in the spam quarantine

My stored spam email is stored in: 

which I belive is controlled by; in MailScanner.conf:
Quarantine Dir = /var/spool/MailScanner/quarantine 

This folder should be owned by "Run As User = postfix" (from

Hope this helps.


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