OT: Statistics of an MTA (backend)

Naz Snidanko nsnidanko at harperpowerproducts.com
Thu Apr 14 18:38:30 IST 2011

Hi Eduardo,


I a not sure what platform are you looking for. But to start I would advice you to check out the following Exchange calculator:




I know it might not apply to other platforms, but it will give you an idea of what questions you should be asking. For example something like average mailbox size, user's behavior, retention periods, concurrent connections, predicted growth rate, required availability should answer as of what vCPU, RAM and storage capacities you will require.


As for busiest time of the day I find our server takes heaviest beating on Monday morning to mid-day. But again it goes back on the nature of the business your organization provides. For example even though we are 24/7 email dies down during night due to the needs and number of staff.


Hope it helps,

Naz Snidanko

Desktop & Network Support

Harper Power Products Inc.

(p) 416 201- 7506

nsnidanko at harperpowerproducts.com


From: mailscanner-bounces at lists.mailscanner.info [mailto:mailscanner-bounces at lists.mailscanner.info] On Behalf Of Eduardo Casarero
Sent: April 14, 2011 1:17 PM
To: MailScanner discussion
Subject: Re: OT: Statistics of an MTA (backend)


I do have vispan, but i am more interested in the internal behaviour of the server. internet -> mta / mta -> internet is already covered. But i have little expertise on the storage side of the server.

2011/4/14 Steve Campbell <campbell at cnpapers.com>



On 4/14/2011 12:58 PM, Eduardo Casarero wrote:

Hi, everybody. i am sorry for the OT, but i was wondering if someone can share some backend (MTA) statistics. I need to build a test server to store emails and give imap/pop3 (this is already working), but i need some "real-world" info about email flow to big email servers.

I have this kind of questions for deployments of servers with more than 1000 users:

- How many emails are recieved per day or per hour (bussiest hours)?
- Average Quota?

żAny other relevant data?

This is just to get an idea any comment will be appreciated.



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