Blocking emails with dangerous attachments

Randal, Phil prandal at
Tue Apr 5 15:51:04 IST 2011

The other thing is to use the Sanesecurity patterns for ClamAV.

They catch these pretty quickly.


Phil Randal | Infrastructure Engineer
NHS Herefordshire & Herefordshire Council  | Deputy Chief Executive's Office | I.C.T. Services Division
Thorn Office Centre, Rotherwas, Hereford, HR2 6JT
Tel: 01432 260160

From: mailscanner-bounces at [mailto:mailscanner-bounces at] On Behalf Of Martin Hepworth
Sent: 05 April 2011 14:09
To: MailScanner discussion
Subject: Re: Blocking emails with dangerous attachments

check you're scanning inside zip archives - these are coming in as zip not .exe

Martin Hepworth
Oxford, UK

On 5 April 2011 10:45, Richard Coombe <richard.coombe at<mailto:richard.coombe at>> wrote:

We're blocking all incoming exe attachments. However we're getting some spam/virus email with exe attachments, ("Your DHL / UPS package is ready" type stuff). The exe gets removed and then the rest of the message is delivered with an attachment warning report. This is annoying my end users as they're not interested in the email in any way.

Is there a config setting to quarantine emails that have had their attachments stripped?

I can only find 'Deliver Cleaned Messages' in MailScanner.conf. However I also have emails from other legitimate mailing lists that have URLs in them which get 'disarmed' and I _do_ want to deliver these message. So I don't think I can change this to 'no', I think I need a more fine grained approach.

Am using Mailscanner with spamassassin and clamav.

IT Manager, Taff Housing Association

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