4.8.x and ubuntu?

Scott Silva ssilva at sgvwater.com
Mon Oct 25 16:09:45 IST 2010

on 10-25-2010 12:07 AM Mark Chaney spake the following:
> Im running Ubuntu 10.4 and mailscanner 4.79 right now. Recommended method for
> upgrading to 4.8.x? I really would love to stick with deb's, but it seems the
> adoption rate for 4.8.x with ubuntu/debian is quite low compared to
> freebsd/centos/suse, etc (practically everyone). Is there a reason why?
Because all things Debian related have stayed with the Older is more stable
philosophy... Even if someone keeps the deb's current, it is very hard to get
them accepted into the mainstream repositories.

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