Small bug in update_spamassassin

PSI Mailbag mailbag at
Thu Oct 7 21:34:58 IST 2010

> 01/02/2010 New in Version 4.79.11-1
> ==================================
> * New Features and Improvements *
> 1 Settings relevant to update_spamassassin have moved from
> /etc/sysconfig/
>   MailScanner to /etc/sysconfig/update_spamassassin.

Thanks Peter.. I must have missed that the last time I read through the
changes. Funny, though.. considering these comments from the top of

# JKF This is part of MailScanner.
# Call sa-update and sa-compile if you have them both.
# If you want to add arguments (such as channel file settings) to
# then do it by editing /etc/sysconfig/MailScanner, *NOT* by editing
# script.



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