Small bug in update_spamassassin

PSI Mailbag mailbag at
Thu Oct 7 18:55:56 IST 2010

Hey Jules,

 In /etc/cron.daily/update_spamassassin and
/usr/sbin/update_spamassassin you're sourcing the file
/etc/sysconfig/update_spamassassin instead of
/etc/sysconfig/MailScanner. Was this by design, or by accident? ;-)

 As a result, sa-update spits out dependency errors for those of us that
use the FSL Gold repo, as @INC isn't modified to include
/opt/fsl/lib/perl5 (defined via /etc/sysconfig/MailScanner).

 The fix is easy enough.. I just wanted to bring it to your attention.


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